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Entire platform is down

Sep 01 at 10:33am HDT
Affected services
API Backend

Sep 02 at 02:32am HDT

We've reached out to our provider regarding these continued disruptions, and we appear to have fully resolved all issues. Octocon should be fully stable.

Sep 01 at 12:28pm HDT

Intermittent app and bot outages are resurfacing, though much more stable than earlier.

Users in some regions (including North America) are being routed to our servers in Germany instead of their local region, so the app may feel sluggish for non-European users.

Sep 01 at 11:02am HDT

Octocon appears to be slowly coming back online, but in a degraded state. The Discord bot appears to be fully online again, but the app may be slow to respond. Thank you for your patience!

Sep 01 at 10:35am HDT

The issue has been acknowledged by our hosting provider here:

Sep 01 at 10:33am HDT

A global problem with our hosting provider has taken the entire Octocon platform down; both the app and Discord bot will not function for the foreseeable future. There's likely nothing we can do from our end, but we'll post live updates here.